Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Crash Of Rhinos

We didn’t drive for more than 10 minutes when we happened upon a beautiful area with green grass everywhere, scattered among trees and bushes. It didn’t take long to find another two rhinos….and then there were two plus another mother and baby…and then there were two more. We had ourselves a crash of rhino which is what Rhinos in a group are called. And then there were zebra and impala co-mingling with the rhino and we were all amazed at this confluence of such a variety of animals.

As we traveled we learned about the Leadwood tree where the wood is so hard that when it dies, the wood takes years to decay, so you see these beautiful skeletons of trees amongst the green of the bush.

We watched in awe as a giraffe ran across the road in front of us and learned that they don’t run often as their bodies can’t support their neck while running for long. We also learned if a giraffe falls down, it dies because its neck is so heavy that it can’t lift it up off the ground.

We learned about this frog and builds a nest that looks like a snowball hanging from a branch and it’s actually made of foam. The tadpoles are safely protected there before they are dropped into the water to begin their life.

We learned all about buzzards and the hierarchy of buzzards who come to the kill and get first through sixth dibs based on which type of buzzard they are. And what a buzzard roosting in a tree means (I’m tired and resting) vs. circling above (I’m soaring on a thermal) vs. circling above in a group (I’m awaiting my turn to feast after then lions are done).

Another successful drive as we headed back to the lodge among the mid-morning 90+ degree heat.

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