Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Day 5 – November 23, 2008
We awoke early. Like 3:30 early. I’m sure it is still a bit of jet lag that wreaking havoc with our senses. I tried to go back to bed, which I was semi-successful at, but being father north than Joburg and even farther east, it seemed only a matter of minutes before the sky started getting lighter. And although the bedroom part of the room had a wraparound blackout curtain, it wrapped around 90 percent and left a doorway-sized opening that conveniently was where the sun rose, allowing perfect passage to shine on my face.

So, I slept on and off for the next 1.5 hours, covering my head with the blankets, turning away from the sun and doing my best Dracula impression to avoid that brightness rising from the horizon.

At 5am the wake up call comes. I unlatch the door, and step out onto the deck. The sun is beautiful, a giant orange ball casting an orange juice colored hue across the N’wanetsi river and Lembombo as it rapidly ascends. Savoring the view, I breathe deeply, inhaling the intoxication that is Africa and the experience that I’m having, relishing it’s ability to transform one’s mind.

Back inside, I’m excited at the prospect of what the day brings so it’s a quick brush of the teeth, donning of the sun cream as they call it here and heading toward the lodge to meet up with Dierdre for coffee, tea, and some light snacks before heading out.

One of the snacks is African Rusk. It’s sort of like biscotti only not as hard – kind of a flaky crunch. It’s baked like a sheet cake, then cut into bite sized squares and is really hard to describe the taste. It’s perfect for dunking in coffee!

Dierdre gives us the game plan for the day and we head to the truck.

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